A little view in the nature around us

In Denmark you will find an exciting nature. It is a small country, there are lot of people more than 5.3 million at 43098,29 km3 and a costline of 7314 km. There are several areas to enjoy even in the main cities. We do not have have wide forrests and high mountains, the highest hill is just 171 m above sea level! See Denmark from the air at "kortal.dk", it is in danish, but it is possible to use it se how below.
first you have to click at "se Danmark før og nu" Then you need to install a plug-in (activeX) after installation it works Just use the mouse, You can change the behaviour by click on the small icons above the "Map"
"Kortal.dk" can only run at Internet Explorer and require a special plug-in too, this will be requested in danish! http:\\www.kortal.dkkortal.dk
Edible Snail My former work was around 7 km away from my home. Each day all around the year, I go by bike. It is trough parks the most or all the way depending on I go the direct way or I take "the enjoy way". In the autumn I experience some Edible Snails crossing the road, the house of the snails are around 4-5 cm in diametre, at one day in the morning I observe more than 10 pieces of these snails at a distance of less than 2 km
A pair of Swans with kids A pair of Swans with kids.
Daybreak haze - Valbyparken ocktober 2007
Sunrice Sunrice A view from Valbyparken